simple data-driven programs to recycle cleaning products

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Recycle Your Cleaning Supplies & Chemicals with CheckSammy

If you have large amounts of cleaning supplies that you need to responsibly deal with, we can help. We make recycling cleaning products simple with our straightforward tech-driven solutions. We pick up, haul off, and sustainably recycle all your cleaning supply waste. Plus, we send you a detailed report of exactly how we managed it and where it ended up. We don’t just say we’re keeping waste out of landfills – we actually do it.


types of cleaning products we handle

From hotels to hospitals, we help people, companies, and municipalities with our comprehensive programs for recycling cleaning products. We accept many commercial cleaning products.

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Detergents

  • Soaps

  • Cleaning sprays

  • Disinfectants

  • Polishes

  • Aerosols

  • ... and more

let’s discuss your goals

We’re on a mission to reduce landfill waste across the globe and in our own backyard. Will you join us?

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Cleaning supplies debranding service

donate and recycle without fear

We understand how hard you’ve worked to achieve your brand’s reputation. That’s why we offer debranding services to decrease the physical and reputational risks of recycling and donating your electronics. We take the time to ensure your brand identity is completely removed from the discarded products before we pass your items onto our recycling or resale partners.


Sustainable Impact Across The Globe

Reducing landfill waste across North America and beyond.



Pounds of material diverted from landfills annually



Reverse logistics & recycling facilities


Happy Clients

Serviced by CheckSammy

Got questions? We've got answers

Have questions about candle recycling? We can help. Here are some common FAQs plus answers to help you get rid of your candles responsibly.

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The best way to get rid of cleaning product chemicals is to use them all up. When it comes to cleaners, use what you can, and then refer to the label for disposal instructions of any unused chemicals. Sometimes, it’s safe to pour down the drain. Other times, the manufacturer will have more specific guidelines for safe and responsible disposal. Once the chemicals are used up, a recycling partner like CheckSammy collects and sorts the bottles, cans, and boxes to recycle them. We donate any discarded cleaning supplies like brooms or vacuums, and recycle cleaning product receptacles sustainably.

Technically, you can pour bleach down the drain as long as you follow it with lots of water, but we recommend that you err on the side of caution. Bleach and other cleaning chemicals (like ammonia) can get trapped inside pipes. When these liquids mix, they can create toxic fumes that may be dangerous to humans and animals. Also, if you have a septic system, it’s best to steer clear of using bleach. Bleach kills the good bacteria inside septic tanks. Without that good bacteria, the septic system won’t work properly.

This depends on the cleaning product in question. The good news is, CheckSammy inspects all your products and knows exactly how to handle them responsibly – so you don’t have to do a thing.