5 Ways to Incorporate Sustainability into Your Business Practices

As the world becomes more conscious about our impact on the environment, businesses and multi-family community managers are increasingly expected to incorporate sustainable practices into their operations. 81% of global consumers feel strongly that companies should help improve the environment, and 73% of people would change their consumption habits to reduce their environmental impact, found Nielsen.

By adopting sustainable practices, your business can not only contribute to a better environment but also benefit from increased efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced reputation. In this article, we’re sharing tips on straightforward ways to incorporate sustainability into your business practices.

1. Proper E-waste Disposal

Electronic waste, better known as e-waste, is one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the world. Improper disposal of e-waste can have serious environmental and health consequences. To minimize the impact of e-waste, it’s important to dispose of old electronics properly, from computers to printers, televisions, washing machines and other appliances. E-waste recycling with a sustainable vendor like CheckSammy will ensure that every item is disposed of properly and diverted from the landfill either through recycling or donations.

2. Sustainable Office or Rental Clean Outs

When a business, retailer, or property management company is ready to move to a new location or renovate an existing one, there are several ways to ensure that the process is sustainable. For example, by donating or recycling old furniture, electronics, and other equipment during store liquidations or corporate office relocations, you can reduce waste and support local communities. Multi-family or apartment communities or banks can also take advantage of sustainable foreclosure and eviction clean outs to ensure the required process is followed while also disposing of all items in a sustainable manner that keeps them out of landfills.

And when you’re ready to select new furniture and equipment, businesses should look for sustainable options that are made from eco-friendly materials and have a long lifespan.

3. Carbon Offset and ESG Programs

Carbon offset programs like that offered by CheckSammy allow businesses to invest in environmentally-friendly projects to offset their carbon emissions. Essentially, an organization purchases carbon credits to balance unavoidable emissions. This is an excellent way to take responsibility for your carbon footprint and contribute to environmental sustainability. CheckSammy supports global carbon reduction projects across biodiversity, wind, and waste to energy.

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) programs are a set of standards that businesses follow to ensure that their operations are sustainable and ethical. By implementing ESG programs, you can promote sustainability, social responsibility, and transparency in your operations. CheckSammy partners with organizations that have established ESG programs and can help improve your ESG score with comprehensive data reports on your sustainability and waste management efforts.

4. Reduce Energy Consumption

Energy consumption is a major contributor to carbon emissions and climate change. By reducing energy consumption, your business can not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also save money. Start reducing the energy you consume by retrofitting your lighting and installing energy-efficient lights, using natural light, and investing in energy-efficient equipment. It’s also a great idea to adopt efficiency practices like turning off lights and unplugging equipment when it’s not in use.

5. Encourage Sustainable Transportation

Transportation is another huge contributor to carbon emissions. Encourage sustainable transportation among your employees by providing bike racks and showers for employees who bike or walk to work. You can also encourage the use of public transportation by providing employees with discounted transit passes or carpooling options. Ride-shares with other employees at the organization can be incentivized by providing gas cards or a monthly stipend to employees that participate in the program. By promoting sustainable transportation, you can help reduce your organization’s carbon footprint even further.

Start Incorporating More Sustainable Practices Today

Incorporating sustainability into your business practices benefits both the environment and your business. By adopting sustainable practices like e-waste recycling, sustainable clean outs, carbon offset programs, reducing energy consumption, and encouraging sustainable transportation, you can save money, increase efficiency, and protect and improve your brand reputation. These tips are just a few ways you can incorporate sustainability into your operations, so always be on the lookout for more ways you can be more sustainable and make a positive impact.

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