Setting Up a Community E-waste Recycling Program

E-waste is the fastest-growing municipal waste stream according to the EPA, yet e-waste recycling isn’t keeping pace. In fact, only 12.5% of all e-waste is recycled, reports the EPA.

Starting a community e-waste recycling program is a terrific way to ensure hazardous e-waste, like lithium-ion batteries, doesn’t end up in your community’s landfill. Creating an e-waste recycling program isn’t always a straightforward task, though.

Here’s everything you need to know to start a successful e-waste recycling program in your community.

3 Critical Components to a Successful E-Waste Recycling Program

Maybe you already have a dedicated drop-off spot and time for e-waste materials, but what are you doing with the waste after you collect it? This is where many municipalities fall short.

While there may be a program in place for collections, the rest of the operation may not be well established. What differentiates a successful e-waste recycling program from an unsuccessful one?

Here are three things every successful e-waste recycling program has:

  1. Participation: There’s no point in establishing an e-waste recycling program or an e-waste day if no one is going to participate. This makes community outreach and education incredibly important components of successful e-waste programs.
  2. Operations: This is the bread and butter of any community e-waste recycling program (and really any municipality-based program). Knowing how you’re going to collect and dispose of the e-waste is a fundamental component of a successful e-waste initiative. In addition, having the infrastructure in place to handle the operations is paramount to a successful and seamless program.
  3. Reporting: Reporting is the only way to measure the success of your e-waste recycling program. Communities need to keep records of what they’re recycling and how much they’re recycling. Depending on your location, you may even be legally required to publish these records. So, it’s essential to have a reporting method in place for your e-waste recycling program.

Thankfully, CheckSammy makes it simple to establish an e-waste program or improve upon an existing one with our custom-tailored e-waste recycling solutions.

Setting Up an E-waste Recycling Program with CheckSammy

When you partner with us for your community’s e-waste recycling program, you get more than just a place to drop off and pick up your city’s lithium-ion batteries. Instead, we aim to take the brunt of the work off your hands and make e-waste recycling simple and straightforward.

When you choose CheckSammy, we send our sustainability bins to predetermined sites around your community. These bins have real-time sensors that alert us whenever they’re full. Then, we come out and collect the material and take it to an approved e-waste recycling facility.

With us, you can take a hands-off approach and simply sit back and monitor the progress. We help with everything from education to removal, and we report every single item we collect from your community.

As your e-waste recycling partner, we take care of the three big components. We help with education, handle all of the operations, and send you more detailed reporting than you get anywhere else. (And yes, we even handle lithium-ion batteries!)

Who said community e-waste recycling had to be hard? Contact us now, and let us help create the perfect e-waste recycling program for your community’s goals.

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