A nationwide take back program designed for retailers

BOOK a consultation

A one-stop-shop

for collecting & redirecting used post-consumer goods

Engage your customers, reduce your carbon footprint, and generate brand loyalty with a cost-effective take-back program. At CheckSammy, we provide national and global retailers with complete logistics to collect and redirect post-consumer goods. From weekly in-store collections anywhere in North America to sort separation, debranding and detailed individual store reporting – we close the loop to make creating a take-back program as simple as possible.

How it works

It starts and stops with logistical efficiency.

Whether you use one of our Drop containers, or store the material at your facility until it's ready for us to pickup, CheckSammy has a tailored solution that fits you just right.

We'll collect, debrand, sort and quantify your textile diversion.

  • Access Takeback Tool

    While in store, customers scan our QR code to access your branded Take Back app or Website URL.

  • Easy Scan

    Customers upload pictures and provide details about items they want to return/donate.

  • drop off

    Customers drop off their bag of used goods at your retail business.

  • Collection

    We'll come pickup the material when it's ready, our drivers are dispatched for same-day pickup.

  • tracking

    Our drivers collect the returned/donated goods, photograph and bring them back to Sustainability Centers for further sorting and bailing.

  • Logistics

    We haul everything to one of CheckSammy's distribution centers, where we provide sorting services, weights, and ticketing.

  • diversion

    From the distribution centers we direct all reusable goods to charities, thrift stores, and recycling centers.

  • reporting

    Lastly, we provide our retail partners with detailed reports that can be used for sustainability tax credits.

let’s discuss your goals

We’re on a mission to reduce landfill waste from malls and retail stores. Will you join us?

book a consulation

Our logistics footprint

We service anywhere in North America. Our robust network of haulers, distribution centers and reverse logistics & recycling facilities allows us to collect, sort, debrand if required, and redirect all the goods from your takeback program in-house.

Data makes a difference

Previous industry Take Back Programs were designed to fail from the outset. With “too many hands in the cookie jar,” undisclosed costs, and lost or altered data, the unintentional results are environmentally damaging and most often, counter-intuitive. CheckSammy is different. CheckSammy is better.

  • Offered in Every City Across USA and Canada

  • Cutting-Edge Software Provides Visibility on Volumes, Cadence, Last Mile

  • Metrics, Diversion Reports, Customer Feedback, and More

  • Backed By Unalterable Data on Every Job Including Photos, Weights, and More

  • Increased In-Store Sales and Customer Retention

  • Efficient and Eco-Friendly


Empowering Take Back Programs with Tech

Simplified Material Collection

CheckSammy's Drop program is suitable for retailers and manufacturers, empowering a holistic Take Back Program Whether you use one of our containers, or store them onsite using yours, when they get full we'll pick them up and take them to a sustainable destination, diverting material from landfill and benefiting your bottom line.


Detailed ESG Reporting & Analytics

We not only help you make a positive impact to the planet and to your bottom line, we provide detailed reporting to quantify the positive impact you make. Our reporting can integrate to your very specific needs, and we provide Certificates of Diversion and Destruction as well as documented, auditable visual evidence for your compliance needs.

Immediate Impacts for Your ESG Score

If you're looking to accelerate your path to zero carbon, the CheckSammy Carbon Offset Marketplace gives your a trusted source to immediately improve your carbon metrics, while supporting worthwhile projects.


Moving Materials With Purpose

We know that materials have to be moved from their source, and that there's a carbon cost involved in doing so. That's why we developed a network of more than 25,000 facilities across the continent - to minimize the miles traveled from source to destination. We don't believe in shipping materials overseas when so many solutions exist domestically.

See How Our Tech Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

why choose checkSammy’s take back program?

Reduce your carbon footprint and benefit from our extensive network of haulers, recycling partners, charitable and thrift stores by partnering with CheckSammy. We handle everything, so you can enjoy the benefits without logistical hassles and communication inefficiencies.

economic benefits

Our Take Back Program drives customers back into the store and increase foot traffic for drop-off and coupon redemption.


Using the mobile app and data generated, we provide detailed first-party data around your customers’ preferences and behavior.


We keep your goods onshore, helping you contribute by providing jobs and resources to local haulers, distribution employees, thrift stores, and charities.


With our verifiable data, demonstrate your commitment to sustainability to your stakeholders with hard numbers and complete chain of custody details.


Attract Millennial and Gen-Z shoppers by showing your brand is socially responsible and forward-thinking.


We offer incredibly competitive pricing for our full-circle Take Back Program partnerships, with no hidden fees – ever. When coupled with instore bulk junk or recycling services, weguarantee significant savings over the next national competitor.


Opportunity to increase customer value and to drive company growth.


Our optional Drop program provides you with reusable bins, bags or other containers and makes it easy for you to get underway.

Sustainable Impact Across The Globe

Reducing landfill waste across North America and beyond.



Pounds of material diverted from landfills annually



Reverse Logistics & Recycling Facilities


Happy Clients

Serviced by CheckSammy