Case Study: The Denim Project

The Denim project gives new life to excess textiles, specifically 15,000 pounds of rejected denim, which would otherwise end up in landfills.

Textile recycling is a global problem with many local impacts. Manufacturers, retailers, and end consumers are beginning to recognize the need for more sustainable practices when it comes to textiles, but even so, it’s not easy to achieve sustainable outcomes, and the uptake has been slow. At CheckSammy, we’re on the frontline of textile recycling because we hear it from our clients – whether you’re a manufacturer, retailer, or an end consumer, finding a path to sustainable recycling for your excess or worn textiles is a major challenge. With our nationwide network of more than 25,000 recycling and reverse logistics facilities, there are countless options when it comes to repurposing textiles, and that plethora of choices can be just another problem to account for. Our solutions focus on sustainable and local solutions. There’s a significant cost in shipping textiles halfway around the world, both financial and environmental, especially when we have solutions closer to the source.

Read about how we solved this challenge and the impact by downloading the Case Study here.
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