Show Your Support For Environmental Protection On Earth Day

Earth Week is a week-long event held annually in April, dedicated to raising awareness and promoting sustainability practices. The week usually begins on April 16th and ends on April 22th. The theme for 2023 is Invest In Our Planet. This year, individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide will come together to take action to protect our planet and promote sustainable living. Will you?

Combining Aims For a Better Earth

The main aim of Earth Week is to increase awareness of environmental issues and encourage people to take steps to reduce their impact on the planet. Our objective at CheckSammy, too, is to resolve or mitigate the human waste problem. The human waste problem is created when trash products are not correctly disposed of and left to cause severe damage to the environment, animals, wildlife, and even public health.

According to, burning trash in landfills makes up 91% of all methane emissions. So, with this, not recycling is not an option. Some of how Earth Week and our team at CheckSammy promote sustainability and reduce human waste and trash include:

  • Education: The promotion of education of individuals and organizations about environmental issues and the importance of sustainability.
  • Action: The encouragement of people to take action to reduce their ecological impact, whether through small lifestyle changes or more significant initiatives.
  • Advocacy: The encouragement of individuals and organizations to advocate for policies and initiatives that promote sustainability and protect the environment.
  • Collaboration: The involvement of individuals, organizations, and governments to collaborate on sustainability initiatives and work towards a common goal.
  • Recycling: The conscious effort to recycle appropriately.

Collaborating on Aims, And Collaborating at Events

During Earth Week, people can participate in many events and activities to promote sustainability. These include:

  • Clean-up events: Communities clean up parks, beaches, and other public spaces to reduce litter and protect wildlife.
  • Tree planting: Organizations and individuals plant trees to combat deforestation and help offset carbon emissions.
  • Recycling programs: Schools, businesses, and communities organize recycling programs to reduce waste and promote sustainable practices.
  • Energy-saving initiatives: Individuals and organizations take steps to reduce their energy consumption by turning off lights, using energy-efficient appliances, and utilizing renewable energy sources.

Enjoying Collaborative Efforts On Recycling on Earth Day

Earth Day is the perfect day to join recycling efforts. While individuals should be recycling every single day, on this particular day, actions should be increased. But how? Below are a few recycling best practices from that we agree on:

  1. Avoid grocery bags that dissolve into harmful microplastics. Should they not dissolve, they’re ingested by animals, resulting in death. This Earth Day, take your plastic grocery bags to a drop-off area specifically for recycling or avoid using plastic bags altogether. Also, avoid bagging your other trash in plastic bags but instead throw them in your blue bin. Then, you’ll want to buy canvas bags and use these from now on when shopping.
  2. Don’t recycle anything smaller than a credit card, including bottle caps, coffee pods, straws, bottle caps, paperclips, and plastic cutlery. Be conscious of what you throw in the recycling bin and the effects these have on recycling equipment. Small plastic items are not generally sorted and tend to clog machines at the recycling and waste factories.
  3. Make sure your recyclable items are clean, empty, and dry to avoid food waste contamination and a fast track to landfills. In the U.S., food waste contaminates 25 percent of recycling loads. Therefore, it’s imperative to always clean or rinse off what you’re about to recycle and ensure these items are cleaned and dried.
  4. Always recycle similar products together, as recycling only works when materials are together. If trash items can’t be separated, they are considered trash and head to landfills. So, avoid buying non-recyclable materials that can’t be separated this Earth Day.
  5. Know how plastics are treated according to their resin code. With this, you can act accordingly when disposing of these. As an example, rigid plastics can be recycled, and they are identified by their resin codes 1-7. Plastics with a high number are generally less recyclable, so avoid them. In addition, take the time to check your city’s recycling website for the plastic code or number it takes.
  6. Stop wish-cycling and optimistically put non-recyclable objects in recycling bins, hoping they will get recycled. Instead, start learning and teaching yourself about recycling. Through this, you’ll effectively avoid contaminating loads of otherwise recyclable materials. It’s all about recycling consciously and adequately.

Celebrate Earth Week Every Day With CheckSammy

Promoting sustainable practices and raising awareness about environmental issues is a central goal of Earth Week. Working together can positively impact our planet and protect it for future generations. Contact us today about organics recycling, carbon offset solutions, and textile recycling.

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