The Importance of a Disaster Relief Plan

From hurricanes, flooding, and tornadoes to fires, earthquakes, and everything in between, natural disasters can be heartbreaking and wreak havoc on entire communities and the local businesses that serve them. They can happen anywhere, anytime, and they often emerge with very little warning.

In 2021 alone, the United States had more than 20 major natural disasters, totaling $145 billion in damages. Once disaster strikes, safety is the primary concern. Residents and businesses must evacuate or find a safe place to ride out the disaster. After the initial danger subsides and the active phase of the disaster ends, the painful process of navigating the aftermath begins.

Disaster cleanup is often emotionally painful, time-consuming, and requires the right expertise to ensure everyone’s safety while working as efficiently as possible. If your property (or properties) suffers notable damage, you’ll likely have large amounts of debris, garbage, and waste that need to be hauled away. That’s why having a disaster relief clean-up plan in place before catastrophe strikes is so important.

We wanted to take time to look in more detail at the disaster recovery and debris cleanup process following catastrophes.

Why is Disaster Recovery So Slow?

As homeowners and business owners emerge or return home, they find things like damaged roofs, fallen trees, shattered windows, standing water, ruined merchandise and valuables, miscellaneous debris, and more. In fact, just one disaster can produce thousands to millions of tons of waste.

The sheer volume of leftover debris overwhelms local waste companies, leaving many communities struggling with waste for months (and even years). In addition, communities often struggle with a lack of funding and slow emergency assistance, leaving many residents and business owners to fend for themselves – despite the best-laid disaster relief plans.

While we may have historical context for handling natural disasters, every event is unique, making cleanup and recovery different for each situation and community. Disaster relief is slow because disasters are devastating and local governments are often underprepared to handle them; which is why well-developed disaster relief plans are so pivotal.

The Importance of Disaster Relief Plans After Catastrophe

While there are many steps to disaster relief, the first step of cleanup and recovery following a catastrophe is often hauling away the immediate debris. To accomplish this task, you need a reliable junk removal solutions provider with the right equipment to assist – as well as a company that knows what to do with the debris once they pick it up.

Disaster clean-up services, which often involve various types of trucks and trailers, are beneficial for several reasons:

1. They Provide a Quick (and Sustainable) Solution to Standing Debris

Debris collection is often expensive, slow, and dangerous, leaving many communities and businesses in flux for much longer than anticipated following disasters. When clean-up vehicles are hired from reputable providers with sustainable disposal options, you can quickly get rid of your debris and trust that it’s being handled responsibly.

2. Removing Debris Quickly Helps Boost Morale

Communities understand that rebuilding takes time. Still, quick cleanup can boost a community’s morale and help foster hope that things will soon return to normal. In other words, having multiple resources to address debris removal after a disaster has a significant positive impact on your (and your community’s) emotional well-being.

3. They Protect You From Unscrupulous Providers

Unfortunately, disasters can draw in a lot of shady characters hoping to make a quick buck. From fraudulent insurance adjusters to fake contractors, it can be hard to tell who you can trust. Just because someone shows up with a truck doesn’t mean you should pay them to take away your debris. Here’s why.

If they’re not honest (or ill-equipped), they might just load up your debris and dump it on your neighbor’s lawn down the road. While that might temporarily mitigate your problem, it doesn’t do much to help the community at large. That’s why working with trusted providers for disaster clean-up is so critical.

Incorporating Disaster Response and Clean-Up Solutions Into Your Relief Plan

Once you decide to use disaster clean-up services, it could be difficult to find a provider. In fact, locating vehicles and drivers for disaster relief in your area following a catastrophe can be incredibly challenging. That’s where we can help.

At CheckSammy, we have various types of vehicles and trucks available during storms when no one else has them. Our services do not require a container to be left on site – and after our drivers load it for you, we take it away to dispose of the items as sustainably as possible. We also offer power washing services to help local businesses and residents to return their properties to their former appearance.

With our national partnerships, we can handle your waste and debris quickly and sustainably so your community can get back to normal as fast as possible. Contact us today to get service in your area.

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