Q&A with Clint Crouch, CheckSammy’s Power Washing Lead

Interview with Clint Crouch, CheckSammy’s Head of Power Washing

Q: How did you come to join CheckSammy?

A: I’ve been with CheckSammy for almost 6 months, but I’ve been part of the Power Washing industry for nearly 7 years.  Sam and Paul told me that a number of their clients were regularly asking for Power Washing services or referrals, and they felt that being able to offer Power Washing to CheckSammy’s clients would be another way to solve their problems, quickly and affordably, nationwide.  

Q: Why did you get into Power Washing and what do you love most? 

A: It sort of fell into my lap back in 2014, but I didn’t actively pursue it until spring 2016.  What was originally going to be a short-term ‘gig’ quickly turned into a passion – taking a dirty, dingy surface and transforming it back to its original beauty is what fascinates me the most.  When I see a client’s face light up after cleaning their property, it makes me genuinely happy. 

Q: What’s the most interesting job you’ve worked on? 

The most interesting job was in the summer of 2020. We were tasked with restoring a courthouse in a small town in East Texas, which featured a ton of exterior antique architecture and massive limestone blocks as part of its seven-story walls. With our training and expertise, we safely cleaned the delicate structure and restored it to its original condition.  I’m proud to say that we were one of only a very few companies with the opportunity to clean it in its storied history. 

Q: What’s the hardest part of Power Washing? 

The most difficult thing when it comes to power washing is trying to accurately explain what the service truly is. Most people think (given the name) that more power equals better cleaning. If you are at all interested in this industry you will quickly find out that is a massive misconception. At most given any residential or commercial structure you would need no more than approximately 1200 PSI to clean a surface. Exterior cleaning is just a math equation. What surface are you working on? What chemical is used for that surface? Once those two questions are answered then you create something that’s clean! There are hundreds of different materials to wash, from bricks to wood to stucco, concrete and so on. Along with that, there are dozens of chemicals used for different types of surfaces as well as different types of stains that those chemicals will fight! You cannot clean every stain with just pressure or else you risk damaging what is beneath the stain as well. 

Q: What’s the difference between power washing and soft washing? 

Soft washing is a new technology that was introduced in the last decade. It involves using electric or gas driven pumps to clean any surface safely and delicately without the risk of damaging the property. Many times, we relate a soft washing service to a garden hose. You can put your hand directly in front of the stream of solution and it is no more than 30-60 PSI. This is generally the preferred way of cleaning most properties to eliminate any opportunity for damages to arise. Power washing is a tried and true, traditional service that is never going anywhere. We’ve just increased the technological advancement of this industry so that you don’t need a large amount of pressure anymore to accurately clean properties. Power washing still has its place within the service industry but soft washing has made its mark as a safer alternative for residential and commercial properties. 

Q: How would you best describe your time at CheckSammy, and where do you see this industry in the next 5 years? 

Checksammy is all about one common goal – delivering a superior solution at a lower cost than our competitors. From the moment you make initial contact, we’re ready to over-deliver with constant communication and extreme efficiency to have your request serviced as soon as possible. I enjoy being part of a highly proficient team that is leaving our signature on the waste and cleaning industries. In life, there are two things that won’t decrease – excess waste and the properties getting dirty.  CheckSammy’s here to deliver solutions to both those problems, and more!

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