The leading sustainability solutions provider hits the floor at BUILDEX 2020

CheckSammy showcases sustainability solutions at this years BUILDEX 2020 Conference in Vancouver, Canada

“This was CheckSammy’s first time at the Buildex Tradeshow and it was great to receive such a tremendous amount of praise for the product and service we offer. Opportunities like these genuinely excite us about the future of CheckSammy and how our technology is greatly impacting the reduction of waste in landfills.”

Darren Popoff

Chief Operating Officer

Property Managers Reuse Program


CheckSammy is a leading sustainability facilitator in the USA and Canada that implements next-generation ideas and promotes best practices through its Next Generation Reuse Solutions. It has been offering practical solutions for addressing the growing problem of excess consumer goods and growing landfills in both countries. Presently operating from five locations in the USA and Canada, it aims to add ten more cities to its portfolio in the coming months.

Residential Solutions offered by CheckSammy

CheckSammy offers residential sustainability solutions through its Residential Reuse Program, which involves redirecting reusable goods to new homes through the hub and spoke redistribution centers. Thereby, it is helping reduce the number of goods flowing into the local landfills. For property managers at multi-family dwelling units, CheckSammy offers SmartBINS that are placed in high traffic and easily accessible locations. These CheckSammy SmartBINS are equipped with a “state of the art”  sensoring systems that indicates the status of the Bins capacity to a central location in real-time. Prior to the bin’s capacity reaching its capacity a CheckSammy representative come to pick-up the contents.

Commercial Solutions offered by CheckSammy

Not only residential, but CheckSammy is also offering easy solutions for commercial establishments as well. By collaborating with the entities, CheckSammy is redirecting consumer goods generated by commercial properties to new homes. By offering the workers an easy way to contribute to sustainable working, the company is making a significant impact in reducing the pace of landfills being filled up.


CheckSammy Technology

Importance of participation in BUILDEX 2020

Now, to make more individuals and decision-makers aware of its operations and mission in promoting sustainable solutions for waste management, CheckSammy participated in the BUILDEX Vancouver event. BUILDEX is the largest event of its kind in Western CanadaBUILDEX 2020 is a forum that aims to unite the traditions and innovations for shaping the better spaces for a better tomorrow. This event was at the Vancouver Convention Centre West on 12th February 2020 and 13th February 2020.

CheckSammy Technologies Inc. aims to create more awareness regarding the importance of sustainable solutions for better management of the inflow of goods into landfills. It is expected that more visitors will appreciate the efforts being put in by the company and would come on-board for this noble initiative of a better tomorrow. The Vancouver BuildEx Conference was a highly successful step forward in CheckSammy’s progress and initiatives to further expand its North American reach.

CheckSammy Technologies Inc.

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