7 Items Every Retailer Should Be Recycling Already

Governments and consumers are prioritizing sustainability as climate concerns continue to rise. In fact, one in three people will stop purchasing from certain retailers because of sustainability or ethical concerns. And if Google searches are any indication, interest in ethical brands has exploded by as much as 600%.

One way retail companies can boost their sustainability metrics and reduce environmental impact is through comprehensive textile recycling programs. It’s not enough for retailers to recycle their paper, glass, and plastic anymore.

From textile recycling to sustainable e-waste disposal, the pressure is on retailers to expand their recycling programs beyond the basics. In this article, we’ll explore different items retailers can recycle to improve their existing sustainability initiatives.

7 Items to Incorporate into Your Retail Recycling Program

Here are seven different items retailers should consider recycling (if you aren’t already):

1. Textiles

An astonishing 92 million tons of textiles are sent to landfills every single year, even though 95% of them are recyclable. With the rise of fast fashion, clothing retailers have a duty to consider textile recycling services to diminish their impact. But it’s not just clothing – textiles include blankets, towels, bedding, curtains, and more. If your stores have any textile waste, consider making a comprehensive textile recycling program a part of your strategy.

2. Candles

Sending candles to the landfill is terrible for the environment. If you have a large volume of candles to dispose of, consider candle recycling – a delicate process that involves debranding and source-separating the candle for its parts. The wax is usually donated, and the wicks, tin, glass, and packaging are all recycled. While the process might sound tedious, the right sustainability partner will handle it all for you.

3. E-waste

From POS systems to outdated tech, retail companies often have at least some need for sustainable e-waste disposal. E-waste usually contains hazardous materials, making it dangerous and often illegal to dispose of in the regular trash. That’s why incorporating an e-waste recycling plan into your overall strategy is so important.

4. Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning products can be hazardous or require extra caution for disposal (like aerosol cans), even if the containers themselves are generally recyclable. Whether you sell these products or use them, if you’re a retailer with a significant amount of cleaning supplies on hand, make sure you have a plan for recycling your cleaning products.

5. Beauty Products

Some organizations avoid recycling beauty products because it seems challenging. But with a comprehensive beauty product recycling program facilitated by the right partner, it’s easy to protect your brand, donate unused products to the local community, and recycle the containers, too.

6. Store Hardware

If you have brick-and-mortar locations, you likely have some hardware. From shelving and signage to mannequins and more, most of your store’s hardware can be recycled. Recycling store hardware can be especially important during store liquidations or redesigns.

7. Old Corrugated Containers (OCC) and Soft Plastic Recycling

Too often, OCC and soft plastic like shrink wrap both make their way into the landfill, although they can easily be recycled – when you use the right vendor. A recycling vendor will use a baler to bundle the plastic wrap and transport it to be recycled. OCC, recognizable by its multiple-layer structure can also be recycled just like other types of cardboard.

Expand Your Retail Recycling Program

As sustainability continues to become a more pressing concern, consumers and governments will be looking for retail stores to do more. Consider incorporating the seven items we’ve covered into your existing recycling and sustainability programs.

At CheckSammy, we can help you recycle all of these items. From comprehensive textile recycling services and candle recycling to debranding, OCC and shrink wrap recycling, e-waste recycling, and more, we can custom-tailor a plan to fit your unique needs and goals. Not to mention, we offer complete track-and-trace, verifiable data so you can share your recycling efforts with investors and customers and include them in your ESG portfolio. We can even help you get customers involved with your recycling efforts through a take-back program.

If you’re ready to improve or expand your retail recycling program, we’d love to help. Contact us today to take the first step.

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